Thursday, March 03, 2005

Boston reporter under fire for blogging

In reference to Eric's post below, when anyone at the Boston Globe gets into hot water, the Boston Herald is sure to be on the case. David Guarino:
    A Boston Globe reporter who covered aspects of the presidential campaign was rebuked by his editors after criticizing Sen. John F. Kerry and promoting President Bush on Internet Web logs.

    Globe editor Martin Baron issued a statement yesterday saying technology reporter Hiawatha Bray had been told in November his postings were ``inappropriate and in violation of our standards.''

    Bray's postings were revealed by Media Matters for America, a liberal group which employs ex-Democratic staffers.
From the looks of this article it appearsat first glance to be a slap-on-the-wrist matter, since, according to Baron, Bray has stuck to writing about his own beat. Dan Kennedy of the Boston Phoenix, jowever, seems to see more to the story than first meets the eye. In today's MediaLog he says,
    BLOG ETHICAL DILEMMA XXV. The Herald's David Guarino reports on the Hiawatha Bray matter. This ain't over, folks. I hope to have more later today.
Nothing yet, but I'll post more when he turns something up.

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