Friday, March 03, 2006

John McCain is a slimy bastard

who would eagerly sell his soul for a chance to become president. Chris in the comments over at Hullabaloo has a campaign slogan all ready for him:
    So, I think the slogan for McCain has to be: "McCain: Proudly Helping Bush Fuck You Over For Eight Years So He Can Be President."
This news, though, really rips the cover off the "affable maverick" image and shows what lies beneath.
    A conservative magazine has recently been the first to tentatively identify the potential missing piece in an American political puzzle that is just over six years old now: how John McCain could forgive George Bush and his operatives for launching perhaps the worst political attack in American history during the 2000 Presidential Primary in South Carolina...

    ...Through a remarkable orchestration of behind-the-scenes politicking, John McCain's advisors thrust him in the middle of the John Kerry Vice Presidential selection process - the McCain as VP rumors started not in the Kerry camp but in the McCain camp....

    The possibility of McCain running as John Kerry's Vice President forced Rove to deal with McCain...

    ...But when I saw John McCain embrace George Bush 2004, not just support him, but passionately embrace him, I wondered how he could do it.

    When I saw a conservative magazine bring more attention to the rumors of a potential Dick Cheney departure, I wondered some more.

    And if Dick Cheney leaves, and John McCain becomes Vice President, wonder no more.
Tinfoil hat territory? Maybe. But remember this, and what we all wondered at the time (after the nausea passed): What kind of man would hug the man who slimed his wife and family?

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