Friday, June 06, 2008

Things are not going so well for Ed O'Reilly

Well, look at this, will you?
    Bush, Cheney & McCain aren't waiting for us. The presidential election campaign does not start in September, after the Massachusetts Democratic primary. It has already started. And judging by past races, the outcome of the 2008 election may be decided between now and September.

    So where do we want John Kerry to spend that time -- here in Massachusetts, where his victory in a putative primary is all but a foregone conclusion, or in battleground states fighting to keep John McCain out of the White House and fighting to bring our troops home from Iraq? I choose Option 2.

    Reluctant as I am to part company with my friends in Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), I no longer see any legitimate purpose in forcing a contested senatorial primary. Nobody has any doubt that the winner of that primary would be John Kerry (and rightly so). So the question is not "why not just give the other guy a chance?" In fact, the question for progressives is this: How can we justify keeping John Kerry in Massachusetts in stead of letting him campaign nationwide for a Democratic presidential victory?

    So if you're thinking of using your vote at the Lowell convention to send John Kerry a message -- that he needs to earn your support in stead of taking it for granted -- please think again. Your message has already arrived. It's been received, understood, and acted upon. Now let's get back together and win the fight that really matters; the fight for the White House.
An interesting turn of events.


Anonymous said...

Kerry is a lousy senator when it comes to constituent services. His staff is lazy and arrogant.

I hope O'Reilly beats him in the primary.

Anonymous said...

O'Reilly is a demogogue good at guilt tripping democrats that is all. His convention speech was a paranoid rant delivered with a constipated scowl resembling a chipmunk that swallowed a hand grenade.
And if sworn adherence to the state party program was necessary to gain entry to the Tsongas Center, then half the delegates would be shown the door.
Kerry in '08.