Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tales of the Charmless

Elias refers to Mitt Romney as chilly and charmless, and that sounds about right to me. It sucks to be a republican these days, though they'll get no sympathy from me. This season's republican contenders are an unrelenting field of horrors. How any sane person could consider voting for any of them is beyond me. But I'd urge everyone to help spread the word on this little 6-minute video, courtesy of Robert Greenwald, on the subject of Rudy Giuliani and the FDNY Radios.

And Go, Niki!

[UPDATE]: I can't imagine this being said any better. Josh Marshall:
    I know I've said before that Romney's profound and almost incalculable phoniness is a terrifying prospect to behold in a possible president. But the danger of phoniness, aesthetic or otherwise, cannot hold a candle to the truly catastrophic foreign policy Giuliani would likely pursue if he got anywhere near the Oval Office. Watching him campaign it's pretty clear that the guy has no real sense that posturing and pandering to ethnic paranoia in New York City simply isn't the same as running a national foreign policy. The people he's coalescing around himself as his foreign policy advisors are the ones who are going to help him learn as he goes. And they are simply the most dangerous, deranged and deluded folks you can find in American political and foreign policy circles today. It's really not an exaggeration. Scrape the bottom of the "Global War on Terror" Islamofascism nutbasket and you find they've pretty much all signed on as Rudy advisors.
Romney is horrifying, but Rudy is terrifying.

Watch this:


beachmom said...

Okay, that's scary. So which is the least worst option from the GOP field?

Diane said...

You know, I am SO not okay with religion in politics, and I'm amazed to hear myself say this, but at least Huckabee and Brownback (though I wouldn't vote for either of them with a gun pointed at my head) have a sort of personal integrity. I can sort of respect that, even though I think both would make terrible presidents.