Monday, March 06, 2006

KT McFarland

I noticed that Drudge has started fluffing Hillary's next Senate "opponent." I read the Times article that appeared over the weekend. Is Hillary blessed or what? Her opponents just seem not quite ready for prime time.
    Those Republican critics are now coalescing around a late entry: Kathleen Troia McFarland, 54, a protégée of Henry A. Kissinger who has not been in public service since working as a Pentagon spokeswoman under President Ronald Reagan. Yet Ms. McFarland, known as K. T., is pretty green: She has been a stay-at-home mother since 1985, and was drawn to the Senate race only because she already believed she was going to lose her bid for a Congressional seat on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

    In an interview this week, Ms. McFarland said for the first time that she would challenge Mrs. Clinton and run on a platform of national security and military issues, given her background. She also said she is forswearing mudslinging, saying her party erred by calling Mrs. Clinton angry.
Earlier in the article they note that Ed Gillespie and Friends have been calling Hillary "angry" and "brittle." So McFarland begins her campaign with a little cognitive dissonance and because she is worried about losing her Congressional race.

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