Friday, April 01, 2005

Common sense still on vacation (4 years and counting)

Via the Carpetbagger, the Prevention First Act (S. 20) could be a real breakthrough in the miserably divisive debate over abortion.
    Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who opposes abortion rights, seemed to have crafted the perfect line for wavering Dems a couple of months ago — focus on prevention. He unveiled the Prevention First Act (S. 20), which aims to reduce the number of abortions by focusing on reducing unwanted pregnancies. NARAL, hardly Reid’s natural ally on choice-related issues, embraced the measure immediately and encouraged anti-abortion activists to join them in this effort.
So far, the bill has 23 co-sponsors, all of them Democrats. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council (and evidently every single Republican senator) finds Senator Reid's proposal unacceptable, since it advocates the use of birth control.

The hypocrisy boogles the mind. Birth control? No way. Abortion? NO WAY. Affordable health care for those born and yet-to-be-born babes? NO WAY. And we won't even get into the questions of housing, child care, and education for all those tykes they want to see brought into the world. Once you're born - hey, you're on your own.

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