Wednesday, March 23, 2005

While we were looking at Terri Schiavo #2

A side benefit of the current news obsession with the Schiavo case is that our good friend pookastew at has been inspired to resume regular postings after a long hiatus. This one's a beauty.
    It's been a while since we've said this, so we'll repeat it: the way to understand what's going on is to realize that the GOP in general and the Bush administration in particular are business, not state organizations, and they run under the rules of business, not public service.

    That boils down to one simple rule: what the boss (or in this case, the boss's son) says is right, and everyone is expected to go along with it. Get it?

    The media are not a free press, they're the public relations department. Their job is to disseminate the company line. The people aren't "citizens", they're "employees". Management owns the place, and we're all just lucky to be here. And don't forget it.
Posted in the hope that while Tom DeLay and his miscreant minions are yelling, "LOOK! Terri Schiavo!" we can create our own culture of attention to the administration's true agenda.

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